Sunday 7 October 2007

Refuge des Oulettes

Originally uploaded by M.J.S.
Arrive about 3:30 at the Refuge. Occasional view of the Vignemale ahead. Pass a few walkers and climbers coming the other way, and beat a Manchester couple up the hill to the refuge. Decide to cash in my last euros on a bunk, rather than camp on the freezing ground. Turns out I should have saved my money for the meal, as the cook's boyfriend was turning up later that night, and a wonderful meal of chocolate mousse and porc ribs was prepared.

A great spot. Have a chat with the few residents, and get to bore for England about William Blake. Was planning to walk back the way I'd came, but as English couple were heading over to Marcadau, decide to complete the three valleys and cross over the Col d'Arraille to Lac d'Estom and down to Cauterets that way.

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